Best Foods for Clear and Glowing Complexion
Posted by Luulla Admin Friday 30 Mar 2018
If you think that acne is just what teenagers get, you are definitely wrong. According to research, approximately 20% of women suffer from acne during 20s and 30s as well. Reasons could be anything from stress to hormone fluctuations and more. Flawless face that requiress zero foundation not only solely depends on good genes or effective products. Your diet also plays a major role in it. Foods get digested and broken down into vitamins, minerals and amino acids that your body can use to build healthy skin. If you crash diet or eat highly processed foods, your skin won't be as strong and supple as it could be.

Things You Should Avoid

I get it when you free stress, you feel like scooping your tub of Haagen-Dazs but according to some studies including registered dietitian and nutrition expert Alex Caspero, low-glycemic diets have been shown to be beneficial to acne-prone skin. It's a nightmare for me to avoid sugar at all but I have now started to reduce the intake of sugar and replace it with nutrient-dense foods like fruit, vegetables and healthy sources of Omega-3.


There are some studies that show associations between dairy and acne, but not necessarily cause and effect. And I know it is pretty hard to cut diary from your diet. However, if you have tried so many ways and your acne just won't go away, why not try it for few months and observe the results. The reason why dairy might be causing your acne is majority of milk comes from pregnant cows, the hormone levels in milk may play a role in excess sebum production, which promotes acne. Sebum production is influenced by androgens and hormonal mediators, such as insulin-like growth factors found in milk and other animal products. Try substitue your dairy products such as milk or yogurt with non-dairy options or goat's milk.

What to Eat for Glowing Skin
Vegetables in these three colors: red, yellow and green

Red (Tomatoes)

According to a UK study, people who ate 5 tablespoons of tomato paste daily, along with almost a tablespoon of olive oil for 12 weeks, had 33% more protection from sunburn compared to a control group that ate just olive oil. The antioxidant lycopene (levels of which are higher in cooked, processed tomatoes) improves skin's natural SPF. However, you must still apply sunscreen!

Yellow Bell Peppers

According to British Journal of Nutrition, people who ate the most green and yellow vegetables (up to 250 grams; one large pepper is about 190 grams) had fewer wrinkles, especially in the crow's feet area, compared to those who at the least amount (69 grams a day). This may be because of antioxidants in the bell pepper that fight aging free radicals.

Corn is rich is nicotinic acid. Eating corn can prevent the free radicals in the body and thus facilitate smooth skin. It can be consumed or applied on the skin. It also prevents itchiness and irritation.


Kale is one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients that absorb and neutralize the free radicals created by UV light, including the wavelengths that actually get through sunscreen and reach your skin, according to research in Clinics in Dermatology. Plus, just one cup gives you 134% and 133% of your daily value for skin-firming vitamin C and A, respectively.

Apart from kale, broccoli is another green vegetable that consist of antioxidants like vitamins A, B complex, C, E, and K. These all help to add luminosity to the skin and to revive damaged tissue, while omega 3 fatty acids, calcium and folate support the healing process and aid the proper function of skin cells. Eat raw in a salad, or lightly steamed, to get the most out of your florets. We like to season them with chilli and then stir through a pesto pasta just before serving.

Fruits to Eat for Glowing Skin
Avocado is also known as alligator pear, the world's most nutritious food containing 25 nutrients in them. Most importantly, your skin would love them! Rich in vitamins and antioxidants which help to slow down ageing process, keeping your skin youthful and moisturized. Not only that, it can help weight loss despite its high-fat content. However, they are healthy fats so they don't harm your weight at all.

Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C, and antioxidants like proanthocyanidins and flavonoids that work great for the skin by delaying the signs of aging (like wrinkles). The antioxidants in pomegranate seeds/powder also help in combating acne breakouts and the resultant inflammation. Pomegranates can also boost the skin's ability to protect itself from the sun, and this can be helpful in treating melasma. Eating a pomegranate daily can also help treat rosacea, thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit - which inhibits the inflammatory activity of human mast cells.

Dark Berries
Not only are berries jammed with skin clearing antioxidants, but they're also packed with fiber too. Which is great for staving off hunger pangs and regulating insulin production. Try making a berry smoothie for breakfast or adding them on top of your porridge in winter.