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(51 items sold)
Necklace, bangles, rings
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Ratings & Reviews
4.6 Excellent /5 (9 ratings)
Recommended by 78% of guests
on this item
51Store Sales
These reviews and ratings are provided by customers who have purchased from this store in the past.
Laura Zollar
The seller has refunded the purchase back to the buyer. For the purchase on September 13, 2019
Crase Graeme
The buyer is satisfied with the purchase. For the purchase on March 9, 2015
Alicia Foster
The buyer is satisfied with the purchase. For the purchase on September 9, 2014
Carolina Escudero
The buyer is satisfied with the purchase. For the purchase on August 1, 2014
Quintana, Kristin
The buyer is satisfied with the purchase. For the purchase on May 30, 2014
Chara Christoforou
The buyer is satisfied with the purchase. For the purchase on May 22, 2014
The seller has refunded the purchase back to the buyer. For the purchase on May 5, 2014
Jennifer Taylot
The buyer is satisfied with the purchase. For the purchase on April 6, 2014
Katherine Boyce
Gorgeous necklace. Great service. Reviewed by Katherine Boyce on March 11, 2014