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Joined on: Sep 13, 2012
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About kittying

Ying works full time as a designer. In Ying's life craftworks stands a very important role. Ying can't stop learning, exploring and have too many ideas but not enough time to execute.

Ying start doing cross stitch, sewing, smocking, embroidery, crochet, knitting and many more since childhood.

Inspired by the cheerful character “Hello Kitty”, Ying, an avid collector of all forms of its merchandise decided to walk in the strides of her favourite character and create her very own baby bootie collection, under the brand name Kittying.

With a believe that a pair of shoes will allow a person to leave remarkable footprints on their journey, Kittying deicided to knit adorable Hello Kitty booties for babies. She believes the character's cheerfulness is a good trait to pass on to a baby.

Essentially, booties are an essential part a baby’s journey – to keep them warm and comfy before they take big little steps!

It’s too adorable too say no to ...if your baby could speak, he or she would surely say yes to owning a pair of these!

These limited edition booties are a unique creation for a new mom to receive for her precious little one, making it a perfect git for baby showers, christening and Christmas!

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Interested in
Crochet and Knitting